Thursday, April 12, 2007

MySpace VS Photobucket

If you are a frequent visitor to, they you more than likely are familiar with either how to post a video (through or, or you know what one looks like. Clearly there is unauthorized commercial activity going on, and myspace is supposedly treating the users as a commodity. The CEO of, is pissed because he believes that is taking away users choice of freedom of self-expression. Many of the movies come from because of the ban, the CEO is possibly only upset because HIS company, (one of the leading sites on the interent, but not directly used as much) will be losing much of their freedom of self-expression through myspace. MySpace has all the right in the world. It is their site, and they can run it how they choose. If individuals would like to market themselves through it, they they should work out a deal. All people want is money, and because these two sites are hot commodities, clearly making money, they just want more.

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