Saturday, May 19, 2007

There is a new software that has to do with flip video. This 30 minute video is easily plugged into the computer and can eaisly be downloaded for postings on such places as YouTube or Grouper. This cheap and easy movie is great for quick videos and information to give and receive. There are no cables necessary for pluggining into the computer, because the U.S.B. drive flips up from the side of the computer.
For all the couch potatoes out there, this is a great article to read. Individuals are finding it easier to bring the internet to the television. Technology is making it easier for the broadcasting world to quickly evolve. This is absolutely obsurd! People are becoming so lazy! The old fashioned "sending a letter" are getting drowned out to sending e-mails. This is certainly a factor as to why individuals are gaining weight! Technology is not always a good thing, people are not interacting naturally. Interaction is not as personal as it once was.

Internet Giants Vs. Web Ad Firms

Advertising on the internet through different major websites is becoming more impressive and beneficial. Buying the rights for those spots has become extremely expensive, ranging in the billions of dollars. It is a hell of a lot more expensive that advertising on the television, but it is more useful and beneficial to advertise online. The point will get across quicker and easier. The majority of the population has easy access to popular websites which are used all the time. "This is about the opportunity."

Stalkers Vs. MySpace

Four individuals were discovered to lure individuals with a picture of a pretty woman on, where in turn, the four individuals jumped the single person. Three of the individuals were siblings from Gardner, and the other from Orange. They are charging them withrobbery, burglary, and identity fraud. The victims were lured into the woods where the four held a handgun to the man's back, and then beat the crap out of him. makes it easy much easier for individuals to create fraud,especially identity fraud. Because of improving technology, creepers and stalkers are becoming readily available on the internet. The ways to stalk are practically becoming endless. MySpace should be abolished. It is becoming popular for any type of idividual to have access to. Internet crime should be more intensely punished.

Thursday, April 12, 2007

MySpace VS Photobucket

If you are a frequent visitor to, they you more than likely are familiar with either how to post a video (through or, or you know what one looks like. Clearly there is unauthorized commercial activity going on, and myspace is supposedly treating the users as a commodity. The CEO of, is pissed because he believes that is taking away users choice of freedom of self-expression. Many of the movies come from because of the ban, the CEO is possibly only upset because HIS company, (one of the leading sites on the interent, but not directly used as much) will be losing much of their freedom of self-expression through myspace. MySpace has all the right in the world. It is their site, and they can run it how they choose. If individuals would like to market themselves through it, they they should work out a deal. All people want is money, and because these two sites are hot commodities, clearly making money, they just want more.

iTunes Movies VS DVDs

Movies have become more and more popular on the internet. We can thank mainly in part for that. But copy righted movies are also up and coming through Apple's iTunes Store. Large film studios are offering downloadable movies (with a catalog of over 500) to the online store. Such companies include MGM, Walkt Disney, Paramount Pictures, and Lionsgate Entertainment. This, I belive is one step closer to eliminating illegal downloading through the internet, but at the same time, it makes no sense to me. People most often buy movies for the sake of having the case along with it. For instance, I don't think I would buy a strictly downloaded version of Sex and the City to keep without the cover. It's kind of like an episode of there where Carrie goes to a party and is asked to take off her shoes before she comes in. Her response is, "But this is an outfit". It's part of a whole. It is part of what makes movies like The Godfather or Scarface a classic. Music is different, because there is so much more of it, and also the size is extensively smaller than movie files.

Monday, March 12, 2007

Web VS Murder

I work at a bar. I could not imagine what it would be like if my most favorite game was not around. It is called Big Buck Hunter. You playing against the program or another player to shoot the bucks and move on to the next round. The person with the best accuracy and most hit wins. That's all it is. I don't like guns and would never pick up a real one. Video game hunting and literal hunting are two totally different ideas. The click of the mouse is not much different. Individuals play video games that kill people all the time. This article is completely ludacris. There is no way that any individual would be able to prevent game makers not to make a fire arm game. Sports games and war games are the most frequently played games. There is no way that can be stopped.